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  • #161736

    We are having a number of folks report that this page: is switching to the mobile version on desktops and then showing a bunch of crazy code. It doesn’t happen all the time, nor does it seem specific to any one browser. Any idea why this might be happening?


    Hi ckerr44,

    What may be happening is that the desktop user has narrowed their browser and the top menu (not the main menu) is too wide at that point and the whole layout doesn’t actually switch to the mobile layout until the browser is smaller so the menu items overlap.




    So here is a screenshot of what someone experienced –


    I don’t think what you are suggesting makes sense based on the screenshot.


    I’m not sure what could be causing that. My guess is a plugin conflict or something like that is occasionally showing the raw source of the page instead of what should be getting rendered (shouldn’t be possible).

    So if you have any kind of caching plugins installed or something like that it could be the cause.

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