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  • #309494


    Thanks again for your template :)
    I have a question about switching to 2nd, 3rd slide,… from a layer (a picture or text link, what ever)

    I found this
    <img class="ls-s2 ls-linkto-3" src="../wp-content//uploads/mypicture.png" style="durationin: 1000; easingin: easeOutExpo">
    It’s working, but when i use it, i can’t use css Styles from Layerslider anymore.
    How i can do to switch easily from a picture/text link, but keeping the Style modification from LayerSlider tool ?

    Thanks a lot for your answer !

    Best regards,


    Hey mattv7!

    You can give your layers a unique ID –
    and then add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    #your-layer-id img { /* your custom css code goes here */ }



    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks for your fast answer !

    I would like to do something like that :

    So, i need different classes for icons symbolized by squares, green one for 1st slide, red one for 2nd slide, etc..
    So if i use your script, i think i can’t use different positions for squares, can I ?

    Is there an easy way to just give a link to a picture to go to the next slide without using class ?
    Because it could be easier to use the Styling tab of LayerSlider to apply my styles (just position and opacity)

    Again, thank you very much for your help

    Best regards,


    Hi !

    I found that on the internet :

    Layer options
    *Content You can select what kind of content you want to use here. You can use a static image, text, custom HTML or multimedia contents. You can also choose to use dynamic contents from WordPress posts and pages. It supports advanced filtering to get the entries you need, and you include the part you would like to use in a layer such as the title of a post or its featured image.
    *Transitions The transition options you can set to customize your layer animation. Move your mouse cursor over the option fields to receive a detailed description about each available settings.
    *Link Enter an URL to link layers to other pages. The link behavior can be changed to open it within the current page or on a new tab/window. You can also enter a hash tag followed by a number to link a layer to another slide. <strong>For example #3 will switch to the third slide when someone clicks on this layer.</strong>
    *Style Under this section you can customize the appearance of your layers, such as changing the fonts or setting the size of images. Please read the tooltip messages for more information by hovering over the setting fields. You can also enter custom CSS code if there isn't an option what you are looking for.
    *Attributes You can apply standard HTML attributes on layers to make it easier working with them in CSS and JavaScript. It also can be used to collaborate with 3rd party solutions like Lightbox plugins.

    It seem to be possible to do a simple link with #ID to jump to an other slide. I’ll try tonight when i come back to home !


    Hi Matthieu!

    We will be waiting to hear from you! :)



    Hi Yigit !

    It’s working, and it’s very simple.

    I just have to put #ID in Tab Link of my layer…! Perfect !

    Thanks for your help :)

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    The password you provided is not working (tried with and without quotes).

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    I’m sorry but it’s no possible or I don’t have any idea how to retain those elements on transition because they are included on the slide. I think you should add the bottom area separately using javascript or something. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to help you with that. You might need to hire someone to investigate this particular issue or visit Envato Studio and Werkpress for further customization.



    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for your answer. I will try to put the layers on the background picture with Photoshop and only put some blank zones with link.

    Just a last and easy question, if you please..

    Could you tell me where to look to change the positioning of “slide navigation buttons”. I would like to put them on the left, a little bit above.

    thanks a lot




    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab and adjust as needed

    .avia-layerslider .ls-bottom-nav-wrapper {
    bottom: 30px;
    left: -50px;



    Hey :)

    Thanks a lot, it’s working.
    I used Photoshop to put bottom bar on, it’s better.



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