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  • #845347

    I have used a plugin to enable SVGs on my Enfold site. I insert an image module and can select the SVG from my media library, but when I save the page nothing appears on the front-end. Is there a way to make the image module work with SVGs?


    Hey sarahrose,

    The Image element doesn’t have support for SVG unfortunately, maybe you could try a Code Block element instead and write the code manually?

    <img src="https://yoursite.com/image.svg" alt="My SVG">

    Best regards,


    the old versions of enfold supports the svg files in image element? I remember use svg in a image element in old site made with enfold.

    please let me know what is the bes way to personalize the icon element with another icons, i can make a text block with images in svg called with a line of html or you think is a best idea customize de icon element?

    thank you very much!


    use instead svg support plugin.

    another advantage: you see previews on mediathek. You can define a class that enables the replacement from img svg to svg inline.
    Means if it comes to an image with a given class and a svg – it will insert instead the svg itself.
    This is something i use often for the logo. Because you can do nice things with svg on hovering f.e.

    you can see it here on startpage: https://webers-testseite.de/cynthia/
    shrinking the logo only blending some path in the svg out. Hovering makes only that path red.

    But indeed here it is also necessary to define (if it is not in the svg itself) a width for it – guess you can have a monster witdth – because it is than handled to 100% width through the Enfold settings:

    img[src$=".svg"] {
        width: 3000px !important;

    PS : test that code first with your plugin aswell



    Thanks for sharing @guenni007, did that answer your question @zykasthenia?

    Best regards,


    Hi Team,

    2 years later and I have the same problem like sarahrose: I can’t use svg with the image element.
    Is there an solution or workaround?

    Thank you and reagrds


    Hi Mike,

    Could you try to explain your problem a bit further please? Did you try out the plugin as suggested above by @guenni007?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    no I didn’t. But I have try it now and ist works.
    Thank you and best regards



    Did you need additional help or shall we close this topic?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    you can close this ticket.
    But I don’t know why I need an Plugin to use SVG with Enfold?
    This is not contemporary!

    Best Regrads



    I understand and apologies for the frustration. Hopefully this is something that will be resolved in future releases.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Well do not ask Enfold Team for that – ask WordPress Team.
    I do really like the usage of svg – WordPress should finally react to the use of svgs.


    @Guenni007: If there is a plugin, the enfold team can also develop a function for the theme ;)


    Hi Mike61,

    Most things are possible, but everything can’t be built into the theme unfortunately.

    Best regards,


    Hello Enfold Team,

    I’m having the same problem with my SVG file not displaying on the front end. I got the support plug in and was able to upload the image successfully. I just need the custom CSS to display it on my page. Can you help?


    Hi DashaChichasova,

    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Best regards,


    Hello Victoria,

    Sure, there’s the link: http://www.testvalet.com

    The graphic should be showing between the client testimony and the section that starts with “Complete Solution….”
    Let me know if you need the access to the backend. Thanks.


    Hi DashaChichasova,

    Thanks for the update, and can’t load your site though:

    This site can’t provide a secure connection
    testvalet.com sent an invalid response.

    Best regards,



    Are you trying access it using the link I provided above? it works for me for some reason. We don’t have the security certificate, so you won’t be access it via https


    Hi DashaChichasova,

    Best regards,


    Victoria, hi again! I don’t see a message though…


    Hi DashaChichasova,

    Here’s what Victoria wrote to you in private:

    https://share.getcloudapp.com/p9uw5OlA There are 404 responses with your CDN for those images. You can disable the CDN and see if the images show up.

    Best regards,


    Thank you, Rikard!


    Hi DashaChichasova,

    Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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