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  • #689352


    I have SumoMe (Content Analytics and Heat Map) running on my home page. The plugin seems to think that the entire page is contained within the first Full Width Color Section. On my homepage, the end of the first image background is apparently 100% of the page even though there is way more to scroll to. If I remove it, it will track until the next Full Width Color Section. Below are the steps that the plugin support would like me to implement to resolve the issue:
    “You are experiencing this issue because SumoMe is mistaking an article on your page as your main container.
    SumoMe article detection will sometimes return “False positives” and flag something as an article, even if it isn’t. When this occurs we recommend you do the following:

    * Add role=”main” to the primary container.

    * Add our specialized class “aside” which will allow SumoMe to ignore the false positive

    If you are unsure how to do this, I would suggest contacting your theme creator as they would be able to assist you further.
    Once you’ve made the changes, this should resolve the issues SumoMe is having with finding your articles properly.”

    Can you explain what I need to do to resolve this? Thank you for your help!


    Hi JaredBurnett!

    Can you please point out the section where you need to apply these changes?
    We do not provide support for 3rd party plugins but we do not mind taking a quick look

    Best regards,


    My homepage consists of 6 Color Sections. I think the issue is with each color section because if I take one out, and have its content out of a section, it will track till the end of the next Color Section. The goal is for the Plugin to be able to track the entire page. So whatever needs to be done for that to happen. You can see in the image attached:( ) that the plugin thinks the end of the page is at the end of my first color section.

    SumoMe’s theme support suggested this:

    * Add role=”main” to the primary container.
    * Add our specialized class “aside” which will allow SumoMe to ignore the false positive

    Thanks Again!



    I am not sure if adding attribute using jQuery would help but let us give it a try. Please add following code to Functions.php file in Appearance > Editor

    function avia_custom_home_attr(){
    jQuery('.home #main').attr('role','main');
    jQuery('.home #main').addClass('aside');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'avia_custom_home_attr');



    It does not appear to have made a difference. I purged the varnish and cache as well. For what it’s worth, I do remember it tracking the whole page at some point before (maybe like last year). Not sure if you guys made any changes to the theme that would have affected containers this way since then.



    There are no changes, that would block the changes to to the theme.
    If you contact the SumionMe Guys, what they have told you? Noah is a really good guy, I am sure he will be able
    to help you as good as possible!

    Thanks a lot

    Best regards,


    I’m reaching back out to SumoMe support. If you would, please leave this ticket open for the time being to see if they have any more code they need me add.



    Hello guys. This is what SumoMe suggested to try next…
    I would suggest adding the “aside” class to the article below, as this should resolve your issue:

    <main class=”template-page content av-content-full alpha units” style=”background: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.498039);”></main>

    After adding the aside class, the article should look like this:

    <main class=”template-page content av-content-full alpha units aside” style=”background: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.498039);”></main>

    How do I go about making these changes?




    Please try changing the code to following one

    function avia_custom_home_attr(){
    jQuery('.home main').addClass('aside');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'avia_custom_home_attr');

    Best regards,


    No dice. Looks like it’s still just tracking the first Color Section or it thinks the main content is only to the end of the Color Section.



    <main class=”template-page content av-content-full alpha units” style=”background: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.498039);”></main>

    The markup above does not exist. Could you please ask SumoMe to provide a screenshot of the section? And what do they mean by “primary container”? Please try this code while you’re waiting for a response.

    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script');
    function ava_custom_script(){
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
        function gh() {
    		$('.home #av_section_1 main.template-page').attr('role','main');
    		$('.home #av_section_1 main.template-page').addClass('aside');

    Best regards,


    Hey guys. It looks like the code didn’t help. I reached out to SumoMe about what you requested. This is their reply:

    Hello, again!

    I have attached a screenshot that shows the article being mistaken as your main container.

    You will see within the screenshot that once the “aside” class has been added and new campaign has been started, Content Analytics tracks your page perfectly.

    Hope this helps!

    Let me know what code I need to add or you can do it if you want. I see in the screenshot that when SumoMe added the aside class manually it works but it’s not a permanent fix.



    Thank you for the info.

    You will see within the screenshot that once the “aside” class has been added and new campaign has been started, Content Analytics tracks your page perfectly.

    What about the role attribute? Where do we have to apply it? We modified the code above. Please try it again.

    Best regards,



    It doesn’t look like changing that code made a difference.

    Below is the response from SumoMe regarding your question: “Adding the “aside” class to the article should work just fine without adding the role attribute.”



    Please go to Appearance > Editor and open functions.php file and find

    $avia_config['layout']['fullsize'] 		= array('content' => 'av-content-full alpha', 'sidebar' => 'hidden', 	  	  'meta' => '','entry' => '');

    and change it to

    $avia_config['layout']['fullsize'] 		= array('content' => 'av-content-full alpha aside', 'sidebar' => 'hidden', 	  	  'meta' => '','entry' => '');

    Let us know if that helps.

    Best regards,


    That did the trick! Thank you very much! Case closed!



    You are welcome, glad we could help. Let us know if you have any other questions or issues!


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