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  • #1412510


    I just created a submenu (full width) and it vanishes quickly after loading the page.

    – I emptied cache and it only quickly works, then the menu vanishes again
    – I also hid the main header on that page

    Can you please help me with that ?

    Thank you very much


    Hey MiaShia,
    Please try resaving / updating your permalinks at WordPress ▸ Settings ▸ Permalink Settings and publish the page, it’s permalink url is not correct, the link you posted above gave a 404 error, so I had to search for it, when I found it it’s link is ?page_id=5405

    Best regards,


    Hello thank you for that information.

    I published the site now – visible for admins only though…

    Are you able to help me with the submenu question now?


    Thanks, I don’t see a cause for this, it could be a conflict with a plugin, have you tried disabling your plugins to see if this helps?

    Best regards,


    Dear Mike,

    Based on your response, I sense through the lines, that you are not majorly motivated to support me with my problem. I saw the same response in other threads.

    I need my plugins, otherwise I wouldn’t have them installed and activated.

    I am a stand-alone user of the Enfold theme and a single business owner building my business.
    I have taught myself everything I know about wordpress and everything I need to install, update, fix or find out to make my page running. I am not a tech person, I have limits too.

    However, I am consistenly online googling stuff, learning small code snippets and developing my skills, as I don’t have yet the funds to pay something regularly to manage my site.

    It’s tiring, but I am in the position where I have to do it myself.

    What I am hoping, is that Enfold is delivering features – and the submenu is a small out of the box element, which work, so I don’t have to write the support Staff and annoy you to investigate, why it doesn’t work.

    Or, why are you delivering features in a version, which don’t work? It doesn’t make sense.

    I therefore sincerely ask you to investigate more regarding this small topic, maybe ask a colleague of yours what this can be about.
    It is a feature that is part of your Enfold version, which you deliver to people.

    I appreciate it very much,

    Thank you


    I’m not sure why this is occuring, I have not seen this issue before but though experience this seems to be a conflict, so the first step in finding the conflict is to identify the cause. If you have not had an opportunity to try disabling the plugins, I can try this for you, but perhaps it would be better if you created a staging site for us to test on so your live site stays online while we test.
    One thing that I found strange is that in the menu used in the sub-menu element We Deserve a Fresh Start, two of the three menu items don’t have valid links, programm & kundenstimmen both link to instead of a page or a post
    this is clearly not your intended target and this may have nothing to do with the menu disappear error, but noticing this and how your permalink was not applied to the page originally may also be a clue. I copied your page to my test site and the sub-menu doesn’t disappear, this points to a conflit on your site and not the theme element itself.
    I hope explaining the steps and my thoughts while examining this issue makes sense.

    Best regards,


    I appreciate your effort.

    I don’t know how to create a test environment from scratch.

    I will start trying the solution with plug ins, and maybe I am going to re create the page from scratch, clean, and insert the content again. I

    The reason, why the links don’t work is, that I am actually trying to create links towards anchors on the same page (section IDs), I googled it on your support page, it should be possible to do that, but I couldn’t make sense of it. In your “how to” regarding a submenu links always refer to a page, post, etc… but I want it to be referred to a section on the page that I gave an ID to.
    I am trying this out by trial and error, how this could work….



    Thanks for the feedback, an easy way to create a staging site is to check your webhost to see if you have the one click staging site option, this is a option in most cPanels to create a staging clone of your site so we can test on it and your live site will stay up and running.
    Here are some screenshots of what it would look like:
    Others add the option in the Softaculous WordPress Management
    If your webhost is not using the cPanel for their backend, then try asking them if they have a similar option, it is pretty common so I would think they do.
    I would hate to see you have to create your site so before you do that lets think of something else.

    I don’t think that the sub-menu links are an issue, but to correct the links I recommend changing the option in the sub-menu to “create a menu” instead of “use an existing menu”
    the when you add the URL manually add the section ID with a hashtag like this: #section. See our documentation for: Create a one page menu.
    If your not sure I can change your sub-menu for you as an example so you can see what I mean.

    I’m pretty sure that if you test disabling your plugins the menu disappear error will be solved, then enable your plugins one at a time and check the page until the error shows again. You have a lot of plugins so this may take a little while to test each plugin.

    Best regards,


    Dear Mike,

    I am recreating my site right now, as I am merging my offers to one bigger course, so I will go towards less pages..merging information on one page… this is why it will not take that long.

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all of your help and also explaining me how to do the test environment myself. I am hosting on and I think they should have that service.

    I just deleted many plug-ins, also because I am going to use shopify for the shop and not woo commerce, which is integrated into wordpress. that lessened the number of plugins immensely already…

    Deactivating the plugins one by one was the solution!!!
    ST Speed Optimization: A simple WordPress plugin that allows you to easily hide the NitroPack footer and remove the NitroPack footer badge.”
    was the plugin that caused the problem! Maybe you can save this solution for future threads.

    Also thank you very much for giving me the effective information regarding the section (anchor) re-direct!

    Again, I appreciate your deeper support very much !!

    Have a good weekend and best regards


    Glad to hear that you have this sorted out and thanks for sharing your solution, I’m sure others will find this helpful. If you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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