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  • #24127

    Hi guys – going well with Enfold – love it!

    However – have a slight styling issue that is really bugging me and for the life of me cannot figure out!

    See screenshot link below – note the mini cart is white with nearly white text (must be taking the enfold settings – but since I’ve inverted the top header, this results in it not working so good for this)

    How can I amend directly either the text colours on that mini cart OR the background of it (along with the button that seems to have an icon on it also) I’ve tried finding the specific CSS styles via FireBug – but no matter what I try its not working :(

    Also note the button in the side bar seems a bit screwed up – doesn’t fit quite right in the side bar – this may be a little bug – but if someone could point me in the direction of solving these I’d really appreciate it!!!!


    bump – anybody help with this??



    Please post a link to the website – we’ll investigate the source code and provide some css code to fix it.

    Best regards,



    Hi gardydee77,

    Try adding the following CSS to your Quick CSS (located under the Styling Tab in the theme options) or the custom.css file in the css folder of your theme files:

    #top .header_color .cart_dropdown_first .cart_dropdown_link,
    .header_color .cart_dropdown .dropdown_widget li a,
    .header_color .cart_dropdown .dropdown_widget,
    #top .header_color .dropdown_widget .buttons .button {
    color: #333 !important;




    great job Devin!! Thanks a million – that’s perfect

    Any idea on the button being out of sorts also?? Also in that screenshot above.



    Use following css code – insert it into the quick css field:

    .woocommerce-page .widget_shopping_cart_content .button {
    min-width: 105px;




    Peter / Devin – you guys ROCK!

    Thanks so much!!!

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