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  • #894928

    I’m having issues using my styles.css file in my child theme folder. For some style changes, it does nothing. Then when I test the same style using the Quick CSS it works.

    Do you have any suggestions to make the child theme style.css take priority over everything else? I looked into enqueue scripts but they didn’t seem to work. Thanks in advance!



    I disabled CSS minifying W3 Total Cache settings and that helped. You can enable custom CSS code to your Style.css while CSS minification is disabled and then enable it. Please review your website.



    Thank you Yigit. However, it still seems to be not functioning as expected. For example, the last entry (below) in my child theme’s style.css is not being loaded properly (see the testimonial images on the home page, the width: 60px is not being applied). If I put the same thing in Quick CSS it works.

    Is there anything specific I should be putting in my functions.php to load my child style.css last?

    .avia-testimonial-image, .avia-testimonial-image img {
    width: 60px!important;
    height: 60px!important;


    It seems to be functioning now, did you do anything?



    No, we didn’t do anything, tt likely didn’t work before because of caching. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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