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  • #257897

    Hi, Looks like some <p> tags get stripped in the category view for the same content. In page view everything is fine (see http://yadi.sk/d/R7px_3ZJNgc5s), in category view some <p> tags get stripped (see http://infotropic.ru/?cat=5 or http://yadi.sk/d/gWsSPn4iNgcJn). If I get back to the single page, everything is fine again (so the <p> tags should be in place, after all).
    Could you place have a look inbto this problem?

    Best regards,


    Hi Holger!

    What setting do you have for your blog site wide from the theme options in Blog Layout> Blog Style? The paragraph tags are still in place on your category view though its hard to tell what has been added in and how to get an idea of where the difference could be coming from.



    Hi Devin, the blog style settings are “Single author, big preview pic”. I have some quick CSS in the “General Styling” section that might affect the styling in archive pages:

    .archive .post-meta-infos { display: none !important; }
    .single-post .big-preview.single-big { display: none; }
    .page .page-thumb {
    display: none;
    div.mc-field-group br {
    display: none;

    Maybe the CSS is to blame for it, not sure 100%.

    Best regards,



    It seems like you use a custom template for the archive because your code is based on tables, etc. whereas our archive template uses the default post loop. Please try to switch to the default archive templates and check if the issue still persists. I guess the reason why the tags are missing in your template is that you’re using the_excerpt() which does not support html code and strips all tags.


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