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  • #416419


    I’m currently using the stretched layout but I’d like to change only single blog postings to stretched layout, because I plan to use Background Takeover Ads on blog posting:

    This approach [] doesn’t work, because I would have to do it on a per-post basis (and also, the background ad links are not working this way.)

    I there any way to tweak Enfold in such a way that *all* single blog postings use boxed layout, but all other pages keep using the stretched version?

    thank you, Ritchie


    Hi datadirt!

    I’m not really sure how the plugin works. Go ahead and set it up and then send us a link to one of your posts and we’ll see if we can give you some CSS to use.



    HI Elliott,

    thanks a lot – I figured it out.

    The plugin inserts a clickable background image – I set Enfold to boxed and used this code to stretch pages and category pages (might be interesting for other people as well):,.page header#header {
      max-width: 100%!important;
      width: 100%!important;
    body#top.category,.category header#header {
      max-width: 100%!important;
      width: 100%!important;


    Thanks for sharing and glad you worked it out :)

    Best regards,

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