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  • #1376812

    Hi Support Team,
    first my congratulations for the nice theme and the special support!

    I am having problems to install a local hosted font although testing out many different possibilities written in your documentations.

    If I upload only ttf-versions from Google in a zipped file, the results are the best, except the font-weight on the homepage seems to be bold, all other pages are OK ??? Very strange …

    When I choose the way with font-squirrel and wof etc.-files every time some font-variants are not recognized correctly.
    I am developing with chrome and testing also with FF, Safari.

    I’m sorry for this support-questions but I couldn’t find a solution, strange problem.

    Thanks for the support and best regards


    Hey phil-0071,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Which font are you trying to upload in your server? Please make sure that the font files are downloaded directly from the Google Font site because the source files should have the correct structure that the theme recognized.

    Would you mind providing a screenshot of the font-weight issue? Please use imgur, savvyify or dropbox. Thanks.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    thank you for the fast Reply!

    I am using the trillium-web and dl it directly from google, zipped and imported it via enfold (Screenshots via imgur).
    The fonts are used everywhere in default alb-textfields (also in navigation and Footer-widget).
    It looks bold or semi on the homepage and correctly regular on other pages (chrome), testing via ff shows a strange crossorigin-error.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for the update.

    What do you mean by “zipped and imported it”? The font files should already be zipped or compressed after download. Do you manually compressthe files before uploading it to the custom font manager?

    There are several potential reasons why you might be seeing different fonts on different pages of your website, even though you’ve only specified one font in the Enfold menu. Here are a few possibilities to consider:

    1.) Different stylesheets or templates: If you have multiple stylesheets or templates being used on different pages of your site, it’s possible that they are specifying different fonts. You’ll want to check the CSS for each of these templates or stylesheets to see if any font-related rules are being applied.

    2.) Conflicting CSS rules: It’s possible that there are conflicting CSS rules that are causing different fonts to be applied to different elements on your pages. You can use the browser Inspector to see which CSS rules are being applied to each element and try to determine which rule is taking precedence.

    3.) Plugin conflicts: If you have any plugins installed on your site that are modifying the font or styling of your content, they could be causing the different fonts to appear. You may want to try deactivating these plugins or themes to see if that resolves the issue.

    4.) Incorrect font file references: If you are linking to font files directly in your CSS, it’s possible that the font files are not being correctly loaded on some pages. You can check the network tab in the browser Inspector to see if any font file requests are returning 404 errors.

    Overall, it’s likely that the issue is being caused by some combination of these factors. To identify the root cause, you’ll want to carefully examine the CSS rules being applied to your site, as well as any plugins that might be modifying the font or styling.

    Best regards,


    where did you find trillium-web ?

    Edit : guess you mean Titillium Web

    do you need all font-styles of that font ? – i will prepare the zip for you – but as i mentioned here:
    even the italic fonts can be generated with not extra font-style. Think of the performance.

    If you realy do need all: here is the zip for uploading: edit: Link removed
    there are only woff2 and ttf in it. the newer format is woff2 and all you need – but for fallback solution the ttf’s are inside the zip too.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Guenni007.

    Hi there,
    thanks very much for the input, I am trying to fix the issue with your ideas at the moment and give an update.

    best regards



    Thank you for following up.

    We have checked the computed styles of the menu item in the home and the subpages, and they are completely the same. Both are using the font Titillium Web and the font weight are set to 400. We are not yet sure why they look different. It might be a plugin conflict or might be due to a css modification.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your pre-christmas action Ismael and Guenni,
    everything is OK for me now :)

    I updated the font-file with Guennis Version and it seemed that this was the cause of the problem (and the really strange font behaviours).
    Although I downloaded directly from google and tried many different ways (also converting via fontsquirrel to get the woff2-version etc.) to get rid of the problem.
    It seems that the problem was related to the converting and/or zipping of the file for the upload in enfold.

    Thanks again, best regards and a merry christmas,


    Hey Phil,

    Thanks for the update! We are happy that Ismael and Guenni could help.

    Let us know if you have any other questions and have a Merry Christmas :)


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