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  • #1429310

    Hi guys! Happy 2024!

    I need some help with this strange hover background on the Full Page overlay menu – I cannot find out where it’s coming from. I even tried adding the Menu Links in overlay/slide out in Advanced Styling making the hover background #000000 but it’s not responding (cleared caches and tried on incognito as well)

    Full Page overlay menu

    Sending you the link to the site on the private content. The site is Multisite, and it happens on both.


    Thank you in advance!



    Guys, never mind. I was able to trace where it was coming from and fixed it.

    It was set in the Advanced CSS settings but I wonder why it never rendered before.

    Oh well… I hope it doesn’t affect anything else ;)

    Thank you!!!



    Hi havi,

    The screenshot image does not seem to exist, can you try to re-upload it?

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko!

    I can see it… but don’t worry… I fixed it!! Actually, you fixed it! It was set a specific color before but it never rendered and you fixed it so it renders now. I only had to change the background color on the Advanced CSS settings.

    You can close the ticket!!

    Thank you so much!!!


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