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  • #410257

    Hi, I use a video on my homepage in a color section and I’m wondering how to get it to stop from looping? Ideally, I would like the video to be blurred out after it plays once, similar to PayPal.com.


    Hey dmoravec!

    I would use the LayerSlider for this. It has an option in the “Slideshow” tab for setting the number of loops.

    Getting the video to blur though would be difficult. Perhaps you could transition a blurry image on top of it in the LayerSlider settings by using a fade transition.

    Best regards,


    Yes, but I have a button and text in the center of my video, and the LayerSlider doesn’t seem to give the same quality of buttons :-/



    You can use the theme’s default button shortcode generated via the shortcode wand, inside the layer slider. Create a layer then set to HTML type, add the button shortcode.


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