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  • #503126

    Dear Support

    I would like to add a sticky widget to my sidebars, but after trying the only real popular plugin, I still have no result. Here’s the plugin:

    What do you think Im doing wrong? Thank you for your help!



    Hi Gurify,

    What exactly is happening when you add/use the plugin?

    Best regards,


    ehehe unfortunately, nothing happens. I checked all the threads about that plugin + Enfold and apparently they just don’t work for some reason. Yet I really need to find a way to create a sticky widget as it would help me make more money and get more leads. So any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! :)



    I have tried that plugin out myself and after customizing it a bit I still could not get it to work properly. It would “flutter” and not look very professional so I opted to just use position: fixed on the sidebar at all times.

    I do not know of any other plugin for this that I can recommend though. It would probably be best to hire a freelancer to help you out with this.

    Best regards,

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