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  • #1050534

    When in Enfold Theme Options > General Layout > Logo and Main Menu > The Left Sidebar option is selected, The Sticky Sidebar menu is displayed. But when the Right Sidebar option is selected, The Sticky Sidebar menu is not displayed !!

    What is the solution to this problem ?

    Good luck


    I reviewed the available topics for this topic.
    I used CSS codes, But the problem is that my site’s layout is on box mode And when I use the CSS code in other Topics, there is a problem displaying the header of the site and the menus and sticking to the right of the page.

    Please help me to fix this problem (Meanwhile, on localhost I’m testing this thread for my site)



    That option is not available for the “Right Sidebar” because of how the main content and sidebar container are ordered or arranged. You need to add some css modifications or create a custom script if you really need a sticky menu.

    Best regards,

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