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  • #1119282

    Dear Support,

    my client got an E-Mail from a Lawyer:

    You use a form without SSL encryption/transmission of personal data unencrypted (not permitted according to § 13 Abs.7 Telemediengesetz (TMG) and Article 5 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO i.V.m Art. 32 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO.)

    Please tell us in which form the contact form should not meet the requirements. If this is a misrepresentation by the lawyer, please make this clear to us by providing evidence that this is wrong.

    We do not need any statement about cookies or checkboxes. Our lawyer says this, we do not need it because we assume that there is a legitimate interest of the contact.





    Hey S.,

    Thanks for reporting this.

    I forwarded this to Kriesi – but he is on holiday now and I do not know when he can answer.

    But in my opinion if you are using https protocol the connection is secured by the protocol and browser/server manage the encryption. But I would recheck this with a network system administrator – your hoster will certainly help you in answering this question.

    Plain http connections are of course insecure.

    Best regards,

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