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  • #825087

    Hi there,
    I’ve fitted SSL to a site. Most of the pages are working fine with the new SSL. Two are not:
    * The home page
    * Single WooCommerce product page

    They are both causing the SSL error (yellow triangle): ‘Connection is not scure’
    I’ve used developer tools in Firefox, but still cannot see an issue.
    IMPORTANT: I’ve noted on the product page this is resolved by using the default layout, but I don’t want that.

    No idea re the home page – I checked all images, etc, inspected the source – no clue!
    Can you please take a look at these two pages for me… I’m stuck!
    Am using the latest Enfold 4.1.2



    How do,

    Can you post a link to the home page? I’ll have a look see if anything jumps out.



    Thank you:

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Steve.


    On the main page the school image is still being requested over http

    On the voucher page the main image is still being requested over http

    Double check both those images. Have you coded them in or used the image element?
    Maybe try uploading them again?

    Hope that helps



    TJ… Thank you, thank you!!! Resolved.
    Really appreciated :-)


    Excellent stuff :)


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