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  • #838533


    I´m using grid row on my frontpage but how much I´m trying to fix it the special headline within a column won´t be centered (padding from top doesn´t work). Can you see if there is something that interferes?

    It is the second gridrow below the layerslider, the second column. The headline within the white “textbox”.

    I have already tried to erase and startover but it doesn´t work.

    Thank you!


    Hey Johan,

    I have checked your site and all looks normal. Can you provide some screenshot?

    Best regards,
    John Torvik



    Thank you.
    Thats curious.
    I´ll try and add a screenshot but not sure how to do it in this modul. =)

    Added it as a webadress below. =)

    Regards Johan



    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    .home .avia-builder-el-19 {

    Best regards,



    It worked!
    Any ideas why the element keep bugging? =)

    Regards Johan


    Hi Johan,

    I’m not sure unfortunately, it looks like you have used some custom CSS so it would take a lot of time to say for sure. But if the CSS I gave you is working then I would roll with that :-)

    Best regards,

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