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  • #794990

    I am confused about something that isn’t consistent throughout the site. I thought I figured out what was controlling the special heading border color, i.e. the line after the H2 heading in the blue bar on all of my pages. I could have sworn that whatever was controlling the special heading border color was also controlling something else that I needed to be grey so I could read it. I ideally want the line in the heading to be white so it stands out on the blue. For some reason it’s white on the About Oren page but on the rest of the pages (estate planning & probate, business planning & governmental affairs) it is dark gray. Is there a way to get all of those lines on each page to all be white? I have looked in the code but I am probably not looking in the correct place to find the color aspect.


    Hey metrocitygirl,
    We could help you with some coding, Can you please include a URLs to the pages you are having an issue with?

    Best regards,


    so it’s on both of these pages:

    you can barely see the gray line but it’s there against the blue.


    Try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field:

    .main_color .special-heading-inner-border {
        border-color: #fff !important;

    Best regards,


    yep that worked thanks!


    now can you help me fix my logo issue? I can’t understand what the other person is trying to say when he’s responding to me…not very good english maybe? I am trying to get my logo retina and I have uploaded it at double the size. I also downloaded the wp retina x2 plugin and can’t get that to work. Some other person who is using the theme suggested I make the logo 4 times the size so I did that and still fuzzy. But it is hard to tell because the text is so small underneath the main part of the logo.



    I`ve answered your question in another thread. May you check or prefer that I answer again here?

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    you can close this thread


    Glad we were able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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