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  • #1240617

    Hi there,
    Do not know from when exactly, but spacebar is not working in Text block, under text mode tab, while in Visual mode (tab) is working, meaning that I cannot make space between words in plain text mode. The same is in e.g. Special Heading, under Heading text I cannot make space between words with spacebar.
    Please advise, thank you


    Hey videogame,

    Do you have a revolution slider on your site? if, yes you may need to temporarily disable it when modifying content.
    Our team has already contacted the RevSlider team for this issue.
    Here’s a similar thread:

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    Correct, Slider Revolution, when active, is causing this. I have checked similar thread as suggested, looking forward for their update.
    Best regards,


    Same here. I activated the Enable JQuery Migrate Helper as per their recommendation, but it didn’t correct the spacing issue.


    Hi julusha,

    Yes, it won’t correct the spacing issue, as it is caused by the Rev Slider and not the removal jquery migrate from WordPress 5.5.
    The temporary solution for now is to rollback until RevSlider will come up with a fix on the bug.

    Best regards,



    I am also experiencing this problem.
    Any updates on this issue from RevSlider yet? It has been some time since the last update in this thread.

    best regards,


    Hi Karin,

    Are you running the latest version of the theme ( If not then please try updating to that: If that doesn’t help then please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,

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