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  • #1270063

    Hi guys,

    When viewed on a desktop and a google ad displays, a small black gap between the header and the main body of the page appears. I’ve had a play with various settings and CSS but can’t get it to disappear. The problem doesn’t exist when a Google advert does not display.

    Website is http://www.FlightDeckFriend.com

    Is anyone able to help?


    Hey Tim,

    I can’t see any Google ads on the page you linked to, could you post a screenshot highlighting the problem please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I appreciate you taking the time to get back to me. I paid a developer to have a look at a few bits and he fixed this over night.

    Kind Regards,



    Hi Tim,

    Thanks for the update!

    Please let us know if you have any other questions or issues and enjoy the rest of your day :)

    Best regards,

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