Tagged: logo header
I’m trying to add a pronouncation button next to my logo.
I’ve added the snippet to the functions.php file but I’m lost as to how to insert the button
any help?
Hey ultimaxdesigns,
Thank you for the inquiry.
You can insert a widget inside the header, just follow the instructions in the documentation below.
// https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/header/#adding-a-header-widget-area
You can also modify the helper-main-menu.php file directly or use the available hooks in the template.
Best regards,
Thank Ismael, Is there a way I can add text ” Connect with us on:” to the left of the socail media icons in the header?
I’m not seeing this in the documentation.
Thank you for the inquiry.
Yes, that should be possible with another text widget in the header widget area. Did you add the code in the functions.php file to activate the header widget area?
Best regards,
Yes, I’ve added the code to the functions php file. and I’ve also added a sound icon next to the logo. But I’m not sure how to add the the text before the social icons.
I would like write “Connect with us” then the social media icons. How can I do that ?
Thank you for the inquiry.
You can modify the enfold/includes/helper-main-menu.php file and add the text directly around line 211.
if($icon_beside) {
$main_nav .= $icons;
Try to replace the code with.
if($icon_beside) {
$main_nav .= "<div class='avia_connect'><span>Connect with us:</span></div>";
$main_nav .= $icons;
It might require a few css adjustments afterward.
Best regards,