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  • #1060974

    Hello there,

    Thank you for this amazing template. Using it is pretty cool.
    I have a few questions tho.

    Is there a plugin that helps with properly crediting images and integrates well with this theme? I have tried image source control, but the overlay function does not work correctly with the themes image overlay. If this function will not work, would I be able to inject a shortcode into every single blog post by using php? Could you guide me into the right direction?

    I would like to add a menu item (an english flag to be precise) to the right of the search magnifiying glass. I figured it might be possible to edit the themes menu php file, but after three hours I decieded I should just ask for help here. Maybe you can guide me into the right direction here as well.

    Furthermore I would like to ask if it is possible to move the autor info below the featured image of that blog entry instead of just above the image.

    And my last question, I can’t seem to click on the author’s name only on the authors picture in the author meta box, footer links as well seem to be kinda broken, turning white when hovered over ( I could not find the css styles for that for some reason) and sometimes being only clickable once

    Thank you for your help and feel free to ask me for clarifications

    Best Wishes,


    Hey PrometheusInst,

    1. I have not tried any such plugin so it is hard to comment on it. Please check out the plugin in the plugin repo and it’s features, support and testimonials from other users and decide if it works for you.

    2. Do you want to just add a flag image or you want to add an english version of the site?

    3. To display the author box after the post on a single post page please refer to the documentation.

    There is no easy way to do that on the archive page.

    4. Please try the 3rd step to fix the author link. If you still have an issue please provide a precise link to the page, showing the elements in question? We need to be able to inspect them in order to help :)

    Best regards,


    Hello Vinay,

    thank you for your answer.

    to 1. I am trying to use Image Source Control (ISC) but I am having trouble displaying it in the front end. I do not know if this is still in the scope of your support, but could you help me achieve the last method described here? List image source of the featured image

    to 2. I want to only add the english flag pointing to one post on the website. It would be nice if it was to the right of the search magnifying glass tho as a menu item. I do not know how important this is, so if this takes too much fiddling it’s alright.

    to 3. I have done that but used var postTitle = jQuery(this).find('.big-preview.single-big"'); instead of the code on the documentation
    var postTitle = jQuery(this).find('.blog-categories.minor-meta');

    // JS - Meta after title
    // ------------------------
    function metaAfterTitle(){
     jQuery(".template-blog .post-entry").each(function(i) {
            var postTitle = jQuery(this).find('.blog-categories.minor-meta');
            var metaInfo =  jQuery(this).find('.post-meta-infos');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'metaAfterTitle');

    so that works alright and even fixes the link problem mentioned in 4

    there are still some issues with the footer links on all pages. when you hover of the links they turn white for some reason. Is there a way to change that?

    I have also found another issue with the menu as seen here It pushes into the logo. Can I force the switch to the mobile menu earlier?


    Also I’d like to know how I can change the size of the featured images, they always get cut to a certain size (1200×667 px)
    Is there anyway to change that? I mean you have the link to the blog, basically all featured images are getting cropped.

    Best Wishes,


    Hi Claus,

    Here are some threads to consider:

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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