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  • #1299484


    I was trying to find out how to decrease the spacing between the menu items through CSS in my bottom footer / socket sot hat the “privacy policy” is on the same line as the different “inquiry” links. There seems to be enough space to the right, so I’m not sure why this is getting pushed down to another line.

    Do I need to adjust the padding or is there something else overriding this which is causing the “privacy policy” to be displayed on the next line on full screen? (I’m aware that if the browser window narrows then al the socket menu items will begin stacking to compensate, but in the normal width position the navigation link still is on a new line)

    Please advise, thanks!



    Hi Joe,

    Can you try adding this CSS code in Enfold > General Styling Quick CSS:

    #socket #avia3-menu li {
        padding-left: 0;
        padding-right: 0;

    Best regards,

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