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  • #1430189

    Hello! My website socket is set to have the copyright and social profiles pull in. However, the date is stuck on 2022 – even though I’ve manually updated the copyright text to 2024. And actually, no matter what text I put in that area, it doesn’t pull in. I’m not sure where that text is coming from or why it isn’t updating. Help would be appreciated!


    Can we see the side that it affects?

    First hint: because I am quite lazy in such things I use a shortcode for such entries
    (in child-theme functions.php)

    function year_shortcode() {
      $year = date('Y');
      return $year;
    add_shortcode('year', 'year_shortcode');

    after that you can use for the current year the shortcode: [year]

    where did you try to modify that year? Is it maybe only a very persistent caching problem?



    Please refer to @Guenni007’s post.

    You can add the [year] shortcode in the Enfold theme options > Footer > Copyright field.

    Thanks for your help!

    Best regards,


    Sorry, this doesn’t quite address my problem – the information I put in the Enfold Options > Footer > Copyright field, is not showing on the front end. I put new information in there and it is not updating in the socket. I have cleared (and temporarily disabled) my caching plugin, and tested it on other browsers and computers. And it just doesn’t seem to change at all. The site is:




    Thanks for the update. Please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    did you have on your child-theme functions.php redifined the backlink by filter: kriesi_backlink

    on all my installations that shortcode works well in copyright input field!


    Here are login credentials.



    You’re using a third-party plugin called Visual Footer Credit Remover to override the copyright text set in the Enfold theme options > Footer.

    Please edit the copyright text in the plugin settings.



    Sorry about that, looks like our client went in and added that plugin and didn’t mention it to us…Thank you for finding that though!



    No problem! Now you can apply @guenni007’s solution ( ) if you don’t want to update the year manually.

    Best regards,

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