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  • #592906

    Hi there,

    You can see the problem at

    When switching between pages, the background colour of the socket flashes on the screen. Depending on load times it can be just an instant (like a quick flash) or last for a very a noticeable time. You can even see the dithering around items like the transparent background logo.

    My socket background should be #222222 but I made it a loud #00ff00 to help you see what I mean. Please let me know as soon as I can change it back so the client will not freak on me ;)


    Hi GabrielSenn!

    I could not notice that.
    Can u please let us knwo what browser you are using?



    Hi Basilis,

    It has happened on two separate Mac machines, using both Safari and Chrome (all latest versions). Let me try Firefox…

    Yup, same thing with Firefox 26.0 on OSX.

    Did you click around from page to page? That is when it becomes obvious.

    I have uploaded a movie at though the effect is rather exaggerated in the movie, it shows exactly what happens.


    Hello. This is happening for me as well. It happens in Chrome, Edge and IE, but not FF.



    We noticed the color flash during page transition it is due to a custom modification or a js conflict with a third party plugin.

    To find the plugin in conflict please follow the below steps

    1. Goto plugins page > Deactivate all active Plugins
    2. Updated WordPress and Enfold to latest version if you have not.
    3. Activate one plugin at a time… refresh the page and check for the issue.
    4. Make sure the plugins are all updated

    Vinay Kashyap


    These steps worked for me. I found that the Autoptimize plugin was my issue.



    Glad we could help :)

    We have put together some info about enfold theme please feel free to check it out here –

    Vinay Kashyap


    Hi Vinay,

    No go :(

    Turned everything off and reinstalled both WP and Enfold even though they were up to date, just in case. Any other ideas?



    Please try adding following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    html {
        background: white!important;



    Unsubscribing to this thread.



    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues :)

    Best regards,


    Good idea Yigit, but while this kind of works, it cuts the socket short if the page content is not very long.

    Here’s what I mean:


    Guys, this has not yet been resolved, and now the problem is now also obvious on another site I started using your theme. The new address is (different site; same problem)

    When you visit, just click around the menus and it should be evident. If not, again, I uploaded a movie for your benefit at

    Please note I first reported this problem over a week ago :( Thanks in advance for your help!


    I know you guys don’t like bumps, but it has been days without a response :(

    Can someone please help?



    Sorry for the delay.

    Is there any custom CSS or js added to the site?

    Please remove all custom CSS and add it back one block at a time so you know which block is causing the issue.

    If you still have the same issues after removing all custom css we need access to the backend to check this further please create a temporary user with ‘administrator’ role and share in private content with permission to deactivate all plugins and add custom code if necessary to help you resolve this issue.

    Best regards,
    Vinay Kashyap


    Hello Vinnie,

    The problem occurs even with all the plugins turned off and no custom CSS.

    I have started a second site which is under development and I am sending you Admin. credentials for that one in the “Private Content” section.

    For other readers of the thread that maybe experiencing the same problem, here’s the reference address:

    Your reply will be much appreciated!



    It’s actually the background color (#222222) of the whole html document, add this in the Quick CSS field:

    html {
        background-color: #ffffff;

    Remove browser cache before testing the page.



    Hello Ismael, thank you for your attempt, but please note that this was already suggested above by Digit and it doesn’t work. I have even provided a sample of what happened when I do that in a new post right after his “solution”, (I’ll copy and paste at the end of this one to save you time looking).

    Guys, it has been over two weeks since I first ask for help and you don’t seem to be reading your own answers or testing the proposed solutions. PLEASE HELP?

    I apologize in advance for my boldness, but I am very frustrated at the fact that it takes so long to get answers.

    Good idea Yigit, but while this kind of works, it cuts the socket short if the page content is not very long.
    Here’s what I mean:

    EDIT: Please note that you have asked me to create an admin account for you, which I took the time to do. Perhaps you can use it to test your next proposed solution before you reply.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by GabrielSenn. Reason: Added info as market


    Sorry for the delay. Let’s tackle the issues separately.

    When switching between pages, the background colour of the socket flashes on the screen. Depending on load times it can be just an instant (like a quick flash) or last for a very a noticeable time. You can even see the dithering around items like the transparent background logo.

    Did you remove browser cache after adding the code? I added the code in the style.css file of the dev2 site and it works as expected.

    Good idea Yigit, but while this kind of works, it cuts the socket short if the page content is not very long.
    Here’s what I mean:

    Set a minimum height to the main container or add more content to the page.

    @media only screen and (min-width: 989px) {
    #main .container_wrap_first {
        min-height: 800px;

    Best regards,

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