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  • #638606

    in our website, in the last 2 posts created, when we try to share the post with facebook or other social, it works but on sharing it shows another image of the site…
    The post we want to share is this:
    can you help us solving this problem? Thanks


    Hi telemarwa,

    You can use a plugin like Yoast SEO to control what image is being shared on social networks:



    Hi Rikard,

    When I used the social network sharing function in website to share the info in my web to facebook. The content displaying in facebook was showed as in attached image (link below)

    In the content, I saw the phrase “… – my wordpress website”. I want to remove the phrase “my wordpress website” out of the display content. However, I can not find the place in dashboard where I can edit it. Could you please help me that?

    Thanks so much!
    Nhan Ngo



    You should be able to edit that under Appearance–>Customize–>Site Identity

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    When I write Blog using ENFOLD demo, I saw on the right hand site blog post have the FACEBOOK Like Page area. However, it is Kriesi Fanpage. I tried to find the place to modify it in the Dashboard but I can not find where I can change it. Could you please help me it?

    For visual, please take a look on this picture:

    Thanks you so much for the support!

    Nhan Ngo


    Hi ENFOLD Support,

    Could please help me in taking a look on it?

    Actually, it took me a week but I can not find anywhere to change the your fanpage link to my fanpage in my website

    Hope you can help me soon!

    Nhan NGO



    Please go to Appearance->Widgets and locate the widget there, you can then change the Facebook URL in the widget options. If you should need help doing then please post admin login details in private and we’ll help you out. We would need the URL to your Facebook page then as well.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I followed your guide and got done with it. Thanks you so much for great support!

    Nhan Ngo



    Glad we could help!
    We really appreciate it if you rate our theme on themeforest
    To know more about enfold features please check –
    Thank you for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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