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  • #1166512


    Our social media icons are in a widget in the footer instead of in the socket. It worked until the WP 5.3.1 update. I did replace the file function-set-avia-frontend.php, which has fixed the problem everywhere, except in the widget.

    Here is what I have in my CSS:

    #footer .social_bookmarks li {
    clear: none!important;
    border: 0 !important;

    And in my widget:

    <ul class="noLightbox social_bookmarks icon_count_3">
     	<li class="social_bookmarks_facebook av-social-link-facebook social_icon_1"><a title="Facebook" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" aria-label="Link to Facebook" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello"><span class="avia_hidden_link_text">Facebook</span></a></li>
     	<li class="social_bookmarks_twitter av-social-link-twitter social_icon_2"><a title="Twitter" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" aria-label="Link to Twitter" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello"><span class="avia_hidden_link_text">Twitter</span></a></li>
     	<li class="social_bookmarks_youtube av-social-link-youtube social_icon_3"><a title="Youtube" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" aria-label="Link to Youtube" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello"><span class="avia_hidden_link_text">Youtube</span></a></li>

    Is there a way to correct this problem?



    Hey darryllevine!

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Can we access the dashboard? We would like to check the settings and edit a few files if necessary. Please make sure that the Appearance > Editor panel is accessible.




    You will find the login info in the private content, but you may not be able to access the wp-admin as it is restricted to specific IP addresses. Also, the editor does not seem to be accessible.

    Is it possible to send me the changes so that I can make them via FTP?




    I was not able to login due to IP restriction. Could you please temporarily disable it so we can look into it? :)



    Can you try now?
    If it doesn’t work, can you send me your IP address?



    I deleted target from your code and it worked:


    We are aware of this issue and currently working on it. We will make it available as soon as we have the solution. In the meantime, please use this temporary solution :)

    Best regards,


    Great, thank you!



    You are welcome! :)

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here –
    If you have any other questions or issues, feel free to start a new thread under Enfold sub forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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