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  • #253582

    Hi there,

    I want to make the socail icons in the header area:

    1 – Round
    2 – Full colour, in other words not gray but the actual colour of the social network with no hover effect
    3 – Larger


    Replace the icons with my own icons.

    Thanks, Silvio


    Hi silviouk!

    Thank you for using the theme!

    You can add this on Quick CSS or custom.css:

    #top .social_bookmarks li a {
    border-radius: 30px;
    background: gray;
    #top .social_bookmarks_rss	   a{color:#ffa133; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_facebook  a{color:#37589b; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_twitter   a{color:#46d4fe; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_mail      a{color:#9fae37; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_dribbble  a{color:#e44885; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_linkedin  a{color:#419cca; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_search    a{color:#222222; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_gplus     a{color:#de5a49; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_behance   a{color:#008cfa; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_flickr    a{color:#ff0086; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_forrst    a{color:#234317; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_myspace   a{color:#000000; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_tumblr    a{color:#345574; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_vimeo     a{color:#31baff; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_youtube   a{color:#a72b1d; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_pinterest a{color:#cb2027; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_skype 	   a{color:#12a5f4; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_instagram a{color:#a67658; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_five_100_px a{color:#222222; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_soundcloud  a{color:#F76700; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_xing 	     a{color:#006567; }

    Change the background color to something else.


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