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  • #248615

    I upgraded from 1.6 to the latest version, and all seems OK except the social icons have disappeared.

    I performed a “Reset all options” to no avail. They are still gone.

    Under Enfold, Header, Extra Elements, the option for Header Social Icons is grayed out and so thin, it can’t be selected.

    Any ideas on how to get social icons back, especially now that the option to select them is not selectable?



    Can you post the link to your website please?


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    Social icons are showing correctly in your website:



    Thanks — The option to include them was finally returned to my Header screen (not grayed out and missing) once I (1) removed a couple of elements from the front page and (2) resized a few media icons. Not sure if those either of those things are related to the social icons option coming back, but it was definitely not working before I did that. Just plain luck that you happened to look after it already fixed itself.

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