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  • #986394

    Hi there,

    in private content


    Hey inaudit,

    I loaded your web site and I can not see the code, can you please add it back and clear cache?

    Best regards,


    Dear Basilis,
    the css code is in the child theme… what you mean with i add it back? I just only need to know why it’s not working the code in here: I erase it already as it’s not working

    is this one:

    // CSS – Social Share style – 4

    /* Hide tool tip */
    .av-social-sharing-box .avia-related-tooltip {
    display: none !important;

    /* Remove icon border */
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-share-box ul li {
    border-left-style: none;
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: middle!important;
    margin: 0 10px 0 0;

    /* Icon style */
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-share-link a {
    width: 30px!important;
    height: 30px!important;
    border-radius: 30px:!important;
    padding: 3px 0 !important;


    /* Icon color */
    .av-social-sharing-box .av-share-link a:before {
    transition: all .5s ease;

    /* Icon */
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-share-link a {
    border-radius: 30px;

    /* Back ground color */
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-rss a{color:#fff; background-color:#ffa133; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-facebook a{color:#fff; background-color:#37589b; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-twitter a{color:#fff; background-color:#46d4fe; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-mail a{color:#fff; background-color:#9fae37; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-dribbble a{color:#fff; background-color:#e44885; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-linkedin a{color:#fff; background-color:#419cca; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-search a{color:#fff; background-color:#222222; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-gplus a{color:#fff; background-color:#de5a49; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-behance a{color:#fff; background-color:#008cfa; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-flickr a{color:#fff; background-color:#ff0086; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-forrst a{color:#fff; background-color:#234317; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-myspace a{color:#fff; background-color:#000000; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-tumblr a{color:#fff; background-color:#345574; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-vimeo a{color:#fff; background-color:#31baff; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-youtube a{color:#fff; background-color:#a72b1d; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-pinterest a{color:#fff; background-color:#cb2027; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-skype a{color:#fff; background-color:#12a5f4; }
    #top .av-social-sharing-box .av-social-link-instagram a{color:#fff; background-color:#a67658; }



    Thanks for the update.

    Replace the css codes with this.

    #top #wrap_all .av-social-link-twitter a {
        color: #fff;
        background-color: #46d4fe;
    #top #wrap_all .av-social-link-facebook a {
        color: #fff;
        background-color: #37589b;

    Best regards,

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