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  • #479084


    I read about the slow loading issue in combination with WPML.
    The following actions I did:
    Latest version of Enfold
    Latest version of WPML
    Server: upgrade hosting to Premium.
    WP-config file upgraded memory limit: “define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’); ”

    Still I’it is dramatically slow. (I know I have some quite heavy pics, but that should be it the reason)
    Advice anyone?


    Hi Mariken!

    Your site loaded for me in 12 seconds. It looks like the pinit widget in your footer is taking a long time to download. Try removing that and clear your cache to see if it helps the speed.

    Also consider installing a caching plugin such as WP Supercache or W3 total cache. A plugin such as BWP minify will help as well.



    Thanks Elliot,

    You put me on the right track. The Pinterest widget was the ( main) reason for making the website slow. The admin wasn’t workable anymore.

    Solved √

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