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  • #819077

    Hey Guys!

    Ive had really slow loading product pages for a while now and couldnt figure out why. I have done everything humanly possible to speed them up but have just noticed today that there is a “bg-button.png” slowing down the load time by 8s..

    You can see it in the waterfall breakdown on pingdom – link in private..

    I cant seem to find that image on my website and not sure whats causing it to try and load?

    Any help would be amazing please!!!


    Hey mellypenny,

    Please, could you provide to us your website link?

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Please see in private content. Thanks!



    I’m not sure what that image is or why it’s trying to load it, it’s not coming from our theme though. It’s a bit strange since if you view the source code of the product you posted, the image is not there. Could you try to navigate to that file using and FTP client and delete the file maybe?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Thanks for that. I did search for the file and it doesn’t exist. I did see this in the waterfall details as well (see below in private box) – I dont know much about css, but to me it looks like a style sheet is requesting this image? IS that correct?


    Okay just an update.. I found the CSS file and edited the code removing the link to the unknown image. It has cut out that wait time but the product pages still seem very slow.. Hhhhh…



    Ok, thanks for the feedback. Did you try to deactivate all plugins (except WooCommerce), you might have active to see if one of them is causing your problems?

    Best regards,

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