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  • #1354375

    At my website is a full width slideshow. Slides fade over on desktop but stop on mobile after the second slide. Works when slide moves to the side or top.


    Hey Woutski,

    Could you try updating the theme to the latest version ( to see if that helps please?

    Best regards,


    Ha Rikard,

    I updated it to version emptied my cache. But it does not help.

    Best regards Woutski



    Thanks for the update. Did you activate the option to delete old CSS and JS files under Enfold->Performance? If not, then please try that out as well. If you should need any further help, then please let us know which browser and device you are seeing this problem on.

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,

    I did activate the option to delete old CSS and JS files under Enfold->Performance? No change again. My Mobile: Galaxy Android 11. Browsers: Chrome and Firefox. Installed Opera for a fresh start. Same issue. Mobile owner website: Handy is Iphone

    Best regards, Woutski



    Thanks for the update. I’m seeing two slides on my end on both desktop and phone, exactly the same behaviour on both formats.

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,
    You should see seven ( first and seventh are the same). On the three browsers of my Apple desktop it works well.

    Best Regards Woutski


    Hey Rikard,

    It works! Thank you very much for thinking with me. Appreciate it,
    Kind regards Woutski

    I Removed some code of the quick css I found on the forum to solve the problem before updating to after updating the code turned out to be the problem.
    The code:

    .js_active .avia-slideshow li:first-child {
    visibility: visible !important;
    opacity: 1 !important;

    .js_active .avia-slideshow li:first-child {
    visibility: visible!important;
    transform: translateZ(0px) !important;
    -webkit-transition: none !important;



    Great, I’m glad that you found the problem. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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