if I use the full width slide show media element, the video elements don´t show on mobile. At the moment a video should appear the complete slide show disappears instaead
If I use the same video (.mp4) in a normal video media element, it shows on mobile without any problem.
Autoplay videos are disabled for mobile devices. Using a regular video element where the user has the option to start playing the video on mobile devices might be a good solution.
Best regards,
so actually I would like to have a slider mixed with images and videos. In the video slide I turn off the autoplay. Still it doesn`t work on mobile
Thank you for the update.
As mentioned above, background videos will not display on mobile views by default and are replaced with their fallback images. Did you apply fallback images to the video sliders? If not, edit the video slides, go to the Content > Fallback Images tab, and upload the image you would like to display on mobile view.
let us know if you need more info.
Best regards,
So if this not possible, how they are doing it:
(the slider consists of lots of mp4-Videos autoplaying)
I’m having the same issue as @wolfgangspelitz, and would like to have a self-hosted video with the full screen slider element play the video on mobile. Is there a solution to this?
Unfortunately background videos will not display on mobile views by default and are replaced with their fallback images, please try the layerslider
Best regards,
Infact it works with the layerslider block, even with sound and autoplay turned on.