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  • #420831

    Hi Enfold Team,

    I’m looking for a way to display a slider with a set of posts as source. Like an Easy slider in Avia Layout Builder, but an Easy slider that could use a category of posts as source ?
    Is there a way to do that with Enfold ?
    I know the Post slider element, but i need post title and excerpt on my images.
    Layer slider can use a single post as source for a slide, but not a set of posts (Correct me if i’m wrong)

    Thanks for your help.


    Hi ouranos3!

    The post slider would be the best option for this. Add this to your custom CSS.

    .avia-content-slider-inner .slide-content {
      background: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
      bottom: 6px;
      padding: 50px;
      position: absolute;
    .avia-content-slider-inner .slide-content * { color: white !important; }

    To get the captions to display on top of the image.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Elliott. Subject is closed.



    Glad we could help.


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