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  • #951869

    Using slider revolution for a homepage with parallax effect.
    It’s made of 3 sliders, each 100% (slider) height to make sure it’s always displayed.
    After enfold update (tested 4.3 and 4.3.1) all sliders need a fixed height in pixecls, which, depending on screen resolution will cut the slider (sometimes in half, sometimes fully displayed, usually between 50-80%). Making the sliders useless.
    Only workaround I’ve found is using a very high height (~2000px) which results in blank spacing between sliders (not very elegant and defeats the purpose of designing it that way).

    Reverting back to enfold 4.2 solves this, but then I lose all the advantages of this huge update (and I do need the optimisation!)



    Sorry for the late reply!

    I cannot see Revolution slider element on your page. Have you already figured it out by using Fullscreen Slider instead? :)

    Best regards,


    No solution, the website was in DNS translation, the address now displays the problematic Slider Revolution homepage here:

    Thanks for the feedback!



    Could you please try updating Enfold to 4.3.2 via FTP – and let us know if you still experience the issue?

    Best regards,


    Just did the upgrade, no difference..



    Could you please create temporary admin logins and post them here privately so we can look into it?

    Best regards,


    Done ;)



    Thanks for the info. Where did you set the height of the “slice” sliders? The minimum height field is empty and there’s nothing in the custom css field.

    Best regards,


    Just in the slider revolution setting for each slider



    Thanks for the info. The overall height of the “1.slice” container is 1309px so we adjusted the “Desktop Large” height value accordingly. It did remove the space below the slider.

    Best regards,


    Thanks but that’s not really working, first slice is ‘cropped at the bottom on some screen sizes and it’s still not responsive (white space appears at smaller screen sizes). Plus, some weird things appeared now (arrows on the side of first slice, mouse parallax that was turned off, images disappeared in slice 2 and 3)



    It looks good on my end even if the browser screen is zoomed in/out. What is the screen resolution of your monitor? My monitor is 1920x1080px. I didn’t modify the rest of the “slice” sliders.

    Best regards,


    My last reply didn’t get posted. Please find hereby attached screenshots of the missing elements.
    The sliders do not look good at 1920*1080 and look even worse at smaller sizes. Anything below tablet size also looks bad and the white space comes back (missing parts, cropped images, white space). White Space appears at 1005px width.
    Also, for some reason, the lightbox stopped functioning (deactivating all plugins doesn’t help).



    Thanks for the update. Try to set a custom size for the “Notebook” and “Tablet” screen.

    Best regards,


    The sliders do not work on Desktop mode, the issues I sent are not solved by setting Notebook and Tablet sizes. Setting these up reproduce the same issue. Tablet and Notebook will work on some screens, whitespace/cropping will occur on other screen sizes.



    Thanks for the update. I can no longer see the unwanted spaces after adding this css code.

    .avia-layerslider {
        height: auto !important;

    Please let us know if it’s the same on your end. Don’t forget to remove the browser cache.

    Best regards,


    Not helping, cropping and white spaces are still occuring ./



    I can’t reproduce the issue on my end anymore. Please make sure that you’re not looking on a cached version of the page. Remove the browser history or purge the cache prior to checking the page.

    Best regards,


    You’re right, the white space issue seems to be gone, thank you!
    The cropping issue is still occuring though, do you have any idea how to prevent it?
    Also, the lightbox is not working anymore. I tried reverting to 4.2 and it solves it too so it seems to be 4.3.2 related..



    The latest version is 4.4.1. Please upgrade to that version. Could you provide a screenshot of the “cropping” issue? I got caught up with the “whitespace” issue so I didn’t notice that one.

    Best regards,

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