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  • #24859

    Hey Kriese,

    Thanks for a great theme :)

    I have a small problem, my slider doesn’t work, it´s only show first slider and second slider, slider 3. and slider 4 doesn’t show up.

    I have updated jQuery to the newest version, but it doesn’t help.

    Can you please help me?

    I am using Easy Slider, I have also updated my theme to 1.6, but it still dosent working.

    Non of my slider works, its, stop working, after 2. image.

    Can you please help me with this.

    my website is:





    I tagged this thread for Kriesi because I can’t find a js error. Chrome shows me an error message

    Blocked a frame with origin "http://player.vimeo.com" from accessing a frame with origin "http://posa.dk". Protocols, domains, and ports must match."

    which seems to be related to the vimeo video but I’m not sure if it affects the slider.



    Hey! Not sure why this is happening either, cant reproduce the issue yet. Mind deactivating the plugins you use and try it again? maybe one of them is interfering?



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