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  • #583266

    I´m searching in your topics for a Solution, that my images in my full-width slider (non fullscreen Slider) on mobile (e.g. iphone) looks not responsive. I found some Topics with solutions like (this now in my custom css):

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
    #full_slider_1 .avia-slideshow-inner, #full_slider_1 img{
    height: 300px !important;

    But the images would stretch vertical, that not looking good. In landscape mode it´s ok, but normal not.

    Without these custom css the slider is too small and also looking bad.

    What is the right custom css?

    Thank you!


    Hi andrebeyer,

    Your slider looks responsive on my end, if you are referring to some loss of image data then that is expected since the image is set to cover the container element and some loss of image data is inevitable unfortunately. If I’ve misunderstood you then please try to explain a bit further and/or post screenshots highlighting the problem.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    the slider images are stretched vertical. Please validate with your mobile (e.g. iphone) from normal to landscape. Then you see the failure, the red deer is very thin and not the normal picture scale. (because i read the topic to set height: 300px etc.)

    you understand what i mean?

    Thank a lot, André



    The images look stretched because of custom CSS

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
    	#full_slider_1 .avia-slideshow-inner, #full_slider_1 img {
    	    height: 300px !important;

    Please change 300px to 250px in the above CSS it will make the image size look proportional.

    Best regards,
    Vinay Kashyap

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