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  • #165551

    Hey Krisi team,

    I noticed with the latest version 2.2 that using the header type “Header with Social icons and bottom Navigation” and using the Slide out menu causes the site logo to disappear. The logo is visible for a short time until it gets removed. In css the element gets a width of 0px. Using the drop down menu solves the issue as a workaround.



    Hi Highway55555!

    Can you post the link to your website?

    Best regards,


    Can any one tell me in easy language how to get this done because i have same problem, logo invisible after few seconds



    Do you have any active plugins? If so, can you try deactivating them and see if issue remains?



    I initially had the same issue. I dropped the following into my custom css and cleared out my browser cache. Seemed to have worked.

    .logo, .logo img{ width: auto !important; }


    sorry Yigit i can not post the url. I don’t have the redesigned webpage online yet. This error appeared after updating from enfold 2.1 to 2.2. Using the dropdown menu instead of the slide out menu helped to work around that problem. Deactivating plugins or any custom.css setting did not have any positive effect

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by Highway55555.


    Please add this on your custom.css or Quick CSS:

    .logo img {
    width: auto !important;

    Best regards,

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