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  • #1372521

    Dear Enfold Support,

    I’ve renewed my support license to ask for help for the following:

    1. Site Title to Logo on mobile: what CSS/functions.php code should I use to switch from the Site Title to the logo when the site is viewed on mobile? (I used the solution discussed at the following link to swap the logo with the Site Title on the desktop version:… if there is a new, better way to do this, please let me know.)

    2. Link to the website is in the Private Content. There you can see I have the burger menu instead of a navigation menu. Note, however, that the magnifying glass is missing. Is there a way to put get it back? Or better, a way to put the search in the fly-out menu?

    3. Is there a way to modify the pagination of a category page? In other words, can I have a ‘load more’ instead of page numbers?

    Please advise as soon as possible… and many thanks, as always.




    See private note.


    Dear Enfold Support,
    Can I get some help with this please? And any reason why the support team skipped over this request?
    Thank you,


    Thank you for your patience and the link to your question, as I understand the first question you are currently using this function to show a text logo on your desktop site, but you only want it to work on desktop and on mobile you want the logo image that you uploaded at Enfold Theme Options > Logo to show. To do this you will need to modify the function to include an IF statement to detect the WordPress mobile function like this:

    add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'avf_text_logo_final_output');
    function avf_text_logo_final_output($logo) {
    	if(!wp_is_mobile() ) {
      $link     = apply_filters('avf_logo_link', home_url('/'));
      $logotext = "LOGO TEXT";
      $subtext  = "CUSTOM SUBTEXT";
      $subtext  = "<span class='subtext'>$subtext</span>";
      $logo     = "<span class='logo'><h1><a href='".$link."'>".$logotext.$subtext."</a></h1></span>";
      return $logo;
       } else {
    	return $logo;

    If you have trouble adjusting your function, please include an admin login in the Private Content area below so we can assist.
    2: when I check your site I see the magnifying glass, perhaps you already found the setting at Enfold Theme Options ▸ Main Menu ▸ General ▸ Append search icon to main menu
    3: to change the pagination to “Load More”, it look like you are using the Blog Posts element, but this element doesn’t offer the “Load More” pagination, for this option please try the Masonry element:
    but this will also change the layout of your post grid, so please test on a test page to see if you like the change.

    Best regards,


    Dear Mike,
    Many thanks for the reply. Much appreciated.
    Point 1:
    Your new code worked! You are a wizard! Now I just need to change the color of the logo. Thank you!

    Point 2:
    Negative. I don’t see the search. Screenshots in private links.

    Point 3.
    I don’t believe any elements are used here. It is the default setting for a category, i.e., I don’t believe I have a ‘page’ to edit for the category. See again in the Private Content.

    Many thanks, Mike.




    Thanks for your feedback, sorry for point 2 I thought you were talking about the mobile view. The search icon you see when you are logged in is not the site search, it is the admin search. To show the search icon next to your desktop burger menu please use this css:

    .html_burger_menu_active #header .avia-menu {
    	display: block;
    .html_burger_menu_active #header .avia-menu a:before {
    	color: #5e5a4d;

    For point 3 I was looking at the wrong page, unfortunately, the load more pagination is not available for categories.

    Best regards,

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