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  • #640962

    Good afternoon.
    Our site is some problems in responsive ( mobile)
    I’m sending the images.

    1 color font.png (We need to change the font on the mobile version to give greater reading. )

    2 menu.png ( our menu is white and when I inspect the elements and put mobile version and edit for example

    #top .av_header_transparency #wrap_all , .av_header_transparency #advanced_menu_toggle {
    background- color: # 7b0ac2 ;
    color : #FFFFFF ;
    border-color : RGBA ( 208, 57, 57, 0);
    } It changes the desktop version .

    3- responsive.png ( The color section is completely mangled . )
    4 align.png ( Alignment is at the top and we want to center. )


    Hi elcamilo,

    I wrote in your other threads that your site is down, please have a look at it and let us know when it’s back up again.



    I put login and password just for this Richard .
    You must be logged in to view this site .



    Actually, we can’t even get to the wp-admin. The site is not loading:

    This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
    Search Google for 8 propaganda br admin

    Please contact your hosting provider.

    Best regards,

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