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  • #654525

    Hi Kriesi Team,

    I want to put a sidebar (in special the one from the shop overview, wich is on the left) also on the single product page.
    I found this in other Posts:
    But here it is placed on the right :-( and the product pictures are smaler than before…
    How can I put it to the totaly left of the page (and define which sidebar to place)? Sorry, I did not get it….

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi Jan,

    Sorry for the late reply, could you post a link to the site in question please? Also, if you have a mockup or screenshot which highlights the layout you are looking to achieve it would help us understand better.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    thanks for your reply!
    In the private content a added a link and login.

    Best Regards.


    Hi Rikard,

    I must really apologize! We now decided not to use the sidebar in the shop….. instead going for a modern style with a bigger product picture (I managed it by myself).
    You can close this thread.

    Thanks and sorry again.


    Hi Jan,

    No problem, thanks for letting us know :-)


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