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  • #961584


    since ENFOLD 4.4 I cannot add a RETURN to my text in the “text” tab.
    It works in the “visual” tab, but not in the “text” tab.

    In this example:

    I use the ALB element “text block” with some dummy text.
    When clicking to make a RETURN (line break) in the “text” tab, then nothing happens.

    Could you reproduce this at your end, too?


    This seems to be a known issue for years now – together with “Advanced Custom Fields” plugin.
    If I disable this plugin, then all is fine. Using Firefox Quantum with WIN 10 prof. Desktop.
    No error in the developer tools of Firefox -> Console.
    SHIFT + RETURN is also not working.

    as well as

    But this plugin is really necessary for me.

    This fix does not work for me:

    Isn’t there any newer fix or update for this issue please?


    Sorry there are no new fixes for for this behavior when “Advanced Custom Fields” plugin is active. Unfortunately we are not able to make every plugin work with the theme.
    Please feel free to request – or vote if already requested – such feature on Enfold feature request form.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, Mike, but Advanced Custum Field is not just “any plugin”.
    What “features” should I “request”?
    It is just an issue, that plain text tab in ALB editor don’t work. And in the other threads I mentioned, I am not the only person having this issue.
    I gave you the login data, but no one has yet logged in. So how did you know that it cannot be fixed?


    I have taken a look at your site and the ACF error performs as it does on my clean install, unfortunately I have found this issue reported several times. 2016, 2017 with the solutions you have listed above.
    We certainly would like to assist, but as posted by one of our senior members, “The issue doesn’t produce any error in the console so it’s quite difficult to fix.

    The good news is that the return key does work in the visual editor, and holds it’s place when switching back to the text editor, we know this is inconvenient but it’s all we got right now.

    The reason I suggested the feature request form is because it is where the Dev team looks for ideas for integrations, improvements, and also new features. Especially if other users vote on it. It is the proper channel in this case.

    Best regards,


    Yes, sad … but why has it worked for me in ENFOLD v4.3?
    It occurs at my end with v4.4

    And: Advanced Custom Fields is really an important plugin, that lots of us are using, and I urgently need it, too:


    Thank you for sharing that, my understanding is that you can use the plugin, the only inconvenience is that to add a return you must do so in the visual tab of the editor.

    Best regards,

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