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  • #495466

    In your Simple Slider the adjustment of image size does not work at all. After a while and in growing frustration I tried out the “Slide Show (full width). That works, but for some reason the simple slider would fit much better to my needs.

    Any idea how to solve this mistake, or is there an update coming that fixes this bug?

    Another suggestion: Could you consider to glue the slideshow controls (left – right) on a fix place – maybe in the hight of the upper edge of the pictures? In the moment these controls “jump” depending on the changing hight of every individual picture, what means you have to follow with your mouse as long as you don’t use the left/right button on your keyboard.

    Thanks for your help,


    Hey HighschoolAustralia!

    could you show us what’s going on? please provide us a link to your slider in question and tell us more about what you are trying to achieve. Simple slider is working as expected for me.



    Hi Andy,

    I tried to implement the Easy Slider in a test website, and after it didn’ work I deleted it and replaced it so far with the Full Width Slide Show.
    My idea was – after checking “No scaling (Original … )” in “choose the size of the image that loads into the slideshow” – that the slider would indeed keep my original image sizes. But it did not. Every image was about 1.000 px wide, even the ones that were originally just 300 px wide. And also all other alternatives in “choose the size of the image that loads into the slideshow” did not have any result.

    By the way: searching your support forum I found one other enquiry with exactly the same problem, but it had not got a reply yet either.




    Note that the “Slideshow Image Size” setting in the Easy Slider element will not affect the actual width of the slider. Regardless of the settings, the slider will inherit the width of the parent container so if you place the slider inside a 1/2 column, it will inherit the size of that column. The purpose of the Slideshow Image Size setting is to enable the user to select from the available thumbnail sizes generated by the theme.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thanx for the information. So the description for the Easy Slider is irritating. Would have safed me quite some time if it was clearer.

    Anyway, meanwhile I am very happy with the full width slider except from one small optical thing: on height of the upper and of the lower edge of every image is a small grey line going over the full width of the screen (see attached screenshot). Is there a possibility to get rid of it?

    Thank you for your help,



    I couldn’t find the slider in question on your site, could you link to the page directly please?



    Hi, you could not find it because it is still under construction. You can find a sample on a test page. URL see below …




    Please try the following in Quick CSS:

    .page-id-4973 .avia-shadow {
        box-shadow: inset 0 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) !important;
    .page-id-4973 .main_color div {
        border-color: transparent !important;

    You will have to replace the page-id-4973 class to the class of the page you are going to use live. You can find the page id class by inspecting the page and look in the body tag of the page.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Rikard.
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