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  • #499425

    Hi Kriesi-Support,

    I’m pretty new to Enfold and I’m trying to do a website for a client that offers events which he wants to display in a custom format plus a selection of events based on months and weekdays in the sidebar. Pretty much like this example here:

    I’m trying to find out if this is possible within WordPress and Enfold without using a shop integration. So I entered the events as posts and created categories for months and weekdays. But now I can’t find a way to get a sidebar as displayed in the example. Is there a way? It’s not much help if all the existing categories are displayed and they aren’t ordered. Also, the custom sidebar plugins I tried didn’t work with Enfold.

    I hope this is a “newbie” question with an obvious and simple answer – thanks for helping me out here!



    Hi fprabst!

    So the sidebar is not displaying on your archives? You can set that in Dashboard > Enfold > Sidebar settings.

    If that’s not it then send us a link to your page so we can get a better idea of what’s going on.

    Best regards,


    Hi Elliott,

    The sidebar is displaying, but a pure “Archive” sidebar isn’t helping, because the events are in the future so I can’t simply use the timestamp of the blog post for the sidebar. So if I activate the Archive Widget in the Blog Sidebar it displays the post date. Which doesn’t really help. If I put the post into the future, it won’t display at all, naturally. Or did I miss something?

    Here’s the (pretty empty) blog page as it is now:




    So your wanting something similar to the archive widget but for events in the future. It would be best to check out the “Events Calendar” plugin, It’s what we recommend for handling events. We have made sure it’s compatible with our framework.



    Hi Elliott,

    thanks for pointing me to that plugin, I’ll check it out.


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