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  • #1228946

    Hi All!
    After the most recent update, and only on one page, the sidebar widgets appear to be broken.

    The Situation: I have two sidebar widgets with custom HTML that are not displaying correctly. In the top widget there is a single image and right under it an image gallery. In the second widget below it there is a single image and headline rotator below it. All displayed correctly until, I believe, after the last theme update.

    The Problem: Only the image in the top widget is in the sidebar. The image gallery in the top widget and the image and headline rotator in the second widget do not display in the sidebar, they show up in the footer.

    I tried clearing the cache, redoing the sidebar, and removing the sidebar-saving the page-adding the sidebar back in. Nothing worked. Would you please take a look and suggest how to make the fix so all the widgets show up in the sidebar? I have provided page and login info in the Private Content.

    Thank you! Hope you are all well and life is good!



    Hey Valerie,

    I wrapped the gallery shortcode in 1/1 shortcode, and that seems to have worked. Please review your site.

    Best regards,


    Perfect! Thank you, Rikard. I will remember this for the future. Have a great week! Valerie



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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