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  • #341475

    i have noticed that while you visit a child page, you have the whole hierarchy displayed on the sidebar:
    You can see exemple on my webiste that I devellop currently:
    Where can i control this element, it is not on the widgets under appeareance. I would like to be able to customize it, and control what element do I want to be present on that menu.
    Thank’s for your help.


    In your theme settings, on the Sidebar Settings tab, you can toggle this feature on and off – Page Sidebar navigation.

    When the feature is on, it automatically displays navigation for child pages. If there are pages you don’t want displayed there, remove the link to their parent page. If you want other pages displayed, link them to the parent.



    @Sandie: Thanks for helping out! :)

    : Thank you for using the theme. You can find the sidebar navigation option as @Sandie instructed.

    Best regards,


    Thank you both for the answer.
    If there are pages I do not want to display, you recommand to ‘remove the link to their parent page’?
    Which mean, that directly on the concerned page I must remove it’s parent.
    I would like to keep the file a child of a particular parent without having it display:
    Cause I need to create a lot of child for one page, but all of them does not have the same importance, all of them do not need to be displayed on the sidebar. Would it be possible to control those pages displayed otherwise?
    Also, is it possible to choose to display the navigation under the searche or in any other position?

    Thx a lot for your help.



    Thank you for the update. No, you can’t toggle the pages and there is no option to put it below other widget areas. The only parameter available is whether to set a page hierarchy or not. Please disable the nested sidebar navigation on Enfold > Sidebar Settings > Page Sidebar navigation. Use the Custom Menu widget to have full control over the sidebar navigation.


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