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  • #874847

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve been having some problems lately, but I just can’t seem to find a solution for some of them. Instead I am making it worse.

    So I am using the menu header as sidebarmenu on the left side with an additional sidebar to the right. I have decreased the width of the menu, so I have more space for my content and in hope to decrease the size of my logo on the left menu sidebar.

    This is the code I used for the quick CSS.

    .html_header_sidebar #top #header { width: 265px; }
    .html_header_left #main { margin-left: 265px; }}

    I was able to sucessfully change the width of the sidebar, but more problems came with that. First, the size of the logo did not change at all and I have got less space for the menu points. I decreased the size of the menu font to the absolute minimum which is 8, yet it still looks too big for me.
    Is there maybe a way to decrease the space between the characters, smaller the size even more or maybe extend those little lines which are between the menu points?

    The next problem which arose is that I would like to have submenus on my left sidebar menu, so I went to Mainmenu/Burger/MobileMenu and set “Menu Icon Submenu items” to “Always display submenu items”. The Problem is that the submenu items are not always displayed, only when I hover over it. And the font of it looks way too big. When I first tried it it was smaller too and I have no clue why that changed.

    Maybe there is someone who is able to help me. I would really appreciate it!

    Have a nice start in the weekend. :)

    (I am not quiet sure if you are able to see the website since I deactivated the visibility in search engines, because its not quiete ready yet.)

    EDIT: The logo is supposed to be smaller so the main menu moves upward and has more space. Thats the main goal, not to just decrease the appearance.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by ZiplockZeus.

    Hey ZiplockZeus,
    To make your logo smaller, yet still centered Try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field:

    .html_header_sidebar .logo img {
        width: 50%!important; 
        margin: auto!important; 

    adjust the percentage to suit.
    For your sub-menu items to always show on your sidebar menu, the setting in the burger menu will not change the main menu, but we can help with this code:

    .html_header_left .av-main-nav ul.sub-menu {
        opacity: 1 !important;
        visibility: visible !important;
        position: static;
        margin-bottom: 20px;
        float: left;
        border: 0;
        box-shadow: none;
    .html_header_left .av-main-nav ul.sub-menu li, 
    .html_header_left .av-main-nav ul.sub-menu li a {
        border: 0 !important;

    But it looks like you have set your sub-menu item as a mega-menu, so please uncheck that option in your menu & use the above code in your General Styling > Quick CSS field.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike!

    thanks a lot for the quick reply.

    The first code did not work unfortunately, I tried to regulate the size to see if anything happens, but the logo just stays the same. Is there another way?

    The second code worked and it now displays the submenu items, but there is a big distance between the menu item and the submenu item.

    I figured I could try adding :
    .html_header_left .av-main-nav ul-menu {
    margin-bottom: 5px;
    to the quick CSS to decrease the bottom margin of the menu item, but that does not work.

    Is there an alternative?

    Thanks for your time I really appreciate it!

    Best regards



    I’m sorry but I can’t see the menu issue on the page. Please provide a screenshot on imgur or dropbox so that we can understand it better.

    Best regards,


    Im not quiet sure,

    what exactly do you need a screenshot of?

    Best regards


    When you tried the code for the logo, did it look like the screenshot in Private Content area?
    Would that be good? Do you have a caching plugin & did you try clearing your browser cache?

    Best regards,



    I’ve tried it but nothing really changes. I use a caching plugin but I have cleared the cache.

    It still looks the same thing and another thing that I noticed: If you take a look at the site now, the characters on the Sidemenu unter “Startseite” are really close together. How can I change that?

    Thanks for your time I really appreciate it

    Best Regards


    EDIT: I just noticed that I can control the spacing between the lines in the sidemenu by Extended Styling/Main Menu Left and then Changing the Font Size. If I increase the font size I increase the spacing between the lines. The font size remains the same though.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by ZiplockZeus.

    To change the line height of the items under “Startseite” Try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field:

    span.avia-menu-text {line-height: 30px!important; }

    Best regards,

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