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  • #1246369

    Is there a way of showing a normal image (without hotspots) in place of a hotspot place on mobile devices?


    you really mean mobile devices, and not just narrow screen widths?

    if it is the last option you have on both alb elements in the advanced tab the Element Visibility
    So put them in the same container and:
    for the hotspot mark hide on small / and very small screens – and on the image mark vice versa hide on large and medium sized screens.


    Thank you! I decided on still using the hotspot image on mobile, but hide the tooltips list, since it took too much space.

    Is there a way of aligning the hotspot image to the middle of the screen but keeping its size to 2/3 of the screen? I don’t want it to take up the entire page, but if I change the padding, the image size is also decreased.


    Hi cjvt,

    Maybe it would be better if you placed the element in a 3/5 container instead, with a 1/5 element on each side of it?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I tried that but the picture is much smaller then and it’s hard to click on the hotspots, especially on smaller screens.

    Best wishes,


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by cjvt.

    Hi cjvt,

    Best regards,

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