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  • #1438208

    On a page i’m showing blog posts of certain categories as a blog grid. (How) Is it possible to add the category as a badge or something
    Thanks in advance for any hint


    Hey gpweb,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You can enable the Blog Post Category option in the Enfold > Blog Layout > Blog Meta Elements section to display the categories. However, please note that you may need to adjust the Blog Styling settings as some of the available blog styles may not include the categories.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,
    thanks for your quick reply. The Blog Post Category option in the Enfold > Blog Layout > Blog Meta Elements section is activated, but the blog grid oly has options like “Title and Excerpt” and so on no “Show category”
    Is there an option to insert it in blog.php from line 297 'subtype' => array() where it says:

    							'name' 	=> __( 'Define Blog Grid Layout', 'avia_framework' ),
    							'desc' 	=> __( 'Do you want to display a read more link?', 'avia_framework' ),
    							'id' 	=> 'contents',
    							'type' 	=> 'select',
    							'std' 	=> 'excerpt',
    							'lockable'	=> true,
    							'required'	=> array( 'blog_style', 'equals', 'blog-grid' ),
    							'subtype'	=> array(
    												__( 'Title and Excerpt', 'avia_framework' )						=> 'excerpt',
    												__( 'Title and Excerpt + Read More Link', 'avia_framework' )	=> 'excerpt_read_more',
    												__( 'Only Title', 'avia_framework' )							=> 'title',
    												__( 'Only Title + Read More Link', 'avia_framework' )			=> 'title_read_more',
    												__( 'Only excerpt', 'avia_framework' )							=> 'only_excerpt',
    												__( 'Only excerpt + Read More Link', 'avia_framework' )			=> 'only_excerpt_read_more',
    												__( 'No Title and no excerpt', 'avia_framework' )				=> 'no'

    or like for post-slider to described in Display post tags on Blog Posts element a function like:

    function new_avf_postslider_posts_meta_data_show(){
    	return true;
    add_filter('avf_postslider_posts_meta_data_show', 'new_avf_postslider_posts_meta_data_show');

    Thanks for any hint

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by gpweb.


    Thank you for the update.

    Have you tried adjusting the Enfold > Blog Layout > Blog Styling settings? Categories should display automatically when the Blog Styling is set to the second (Elegant) or third (Modern Business) option. They will not display if the default style is active.

    Best regards,

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